Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback in:
Overall, the comments from the class have been super helpful! For me personally, I think that the comments about formatting are the most helpful. My sense of design is awful so I greatly appreciate it whenever someone tells me a way I can format the story to make it look nicer or easier to read.

Feedback out:
Most of my feedback is grammar related. I have found that, so far, most of the people writing stories have already a pretty good idea of what they want to write. Their content is perfectly fine. Most of the time, it's just grammar issues such as run-on sentences or incorrect grammar.

Blog Comments:
I've been enjoying reading all of the blogs, especially the Introduction! It helps attach a personality / trait to a computer screen which makes it a little more humanizing.

Looking Forward:
I'll try to offer more constructive feedback regarding story content if I can see it but for now, I think I will stick with how I am doing things.

This image really resonated with me because I think it is easy, especially when reading feedback, to think that someone has it out against you. It's important to realize that they are trying to offer you feedback to help improve your project.


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